Agustín Martinez Suñé

Agustín Martinez Suñé, Ph.D.

LaFHISDCFCEyNUniversidad de Buenos Aires

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I obtained my Ph.D at the University of Buenos Aires under the supervision of Carlos Lopez Pombo. During it, I developed formal languages, analysis methods, and tools to automatically reason about Quality of Service attributes in the context of Distributed Systems, more specifically, in the context of a Service-Oriented Architecture.

I’m currently transitioning to a career in AI safety and AI risk reduction. The main question that currently drives my research is: what role can formal verification techniques play in the field of AI safety?

Contact Information e-mail: aemartinez at dc dot uba dot ar

Phd. Advisor: Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo

Counselor: Juan Pablo Galeotti



  • Carlos Gustavo López Pombo, Agustín E. Martinez Suñé, Emilio Tuosto. A Dynamic Temporal Logic for Quality of Service in Choreographic Models. Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2023) [Best paper award]
  • Elias Keis, Carlos Gustavo López Pombo, Agustín Eloy Martinez Suñé, Alexander Knapp. Automated QoS-Aware Service Selection Based on Soft ConstraintsInternational Workshop in Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT 2022).
  • Agustín E. Martinez SuñéFormal Quality of Service analysis in the Service Selection problemInternational Conference on Service Oriented Computing - PhD Symposium (ICSOC 2020). (link to paper)
  • Agustín E. Martinez Suñé. Formalization and analysis of quantitative attributes of distributed systems. International Conference on Software Engineering - Doctoral Symposium (ICSE DS '2020), IEEE/ACM 2020.
  • Agustín E. Martinez Suñé, Carlos G. López Pombo: Quality of Service Ranking by Quantifying Partial Compliance of Requirements. Coordination Models and Languages - COORDINATION 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12134, Springer 2020. (link to paper) (video presentation)
  • Agustín E. Martinez Suñé, Carlos G. López Pombo: Automatic Quality-of-Service Evaluation in Service-Oriented Computing. Coordination Models and Languages - 21st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11533, Springer 2019. (link to paper)


  • MoCheQoS: MoCheQoS is a bounded model checker for quality of service (QoS) properties of distributed message-passing systems. It exploits features of ChorGram, a tool chain to support choreographic development of message-oriented applications.
  • QosChecker-polyranker: Given a qos-provision contract and a qos-requirement contract this tool estimates a coverage value that can be use to rank the service qos-compliance among other services.
