Guido Chari

Guido Martín Chari

gchari at dc at uba at ar


Guido Chari

I am currently a postdoc researcher in the PRL group at the Czech Technical University in Prague. I am working on speculative techniques for optimizing the R programming language.

My main research interest aims at making programming languages more flexible to help unleash developers creativity. I am also interested in ensuring that applications that run on top of these PLs do not suffer from performance overheads due to their increased flexibility. Besides, I am interested in providing mechanism to help developers to enforce these PLs behaves correctly.

During my PhD. I was a member of LaFHIS: The Tools and Foundations for Software Engineering Lab. I also closely collaborated in this perdiod with the RMoD team from INRIA, Lille, France. My worked was mainly related to reflective virtual machines. I also worked with Operating Systems. My master thesis was a contribution to the SqueakNOS project and I'm still involved and interested on it.

Finally, I was previously, for almost ten years, a teaching Assistant at the Computer Science DepartmentSchool of SciencesUniversity of Buenos Aires

