Hernán Gagliardi

Hernán Gabriel Gagliardi

PhD. Student @ LaFHISDCFCEyNUniversidad de Buenos Aires


Iván Arcuschin

II obtained a Master degree in Computer Science at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2022, and I am involved in teaching at the same university. Now, I am a PhD. Student at LaFHIS: The Tools and Foundations for Software Engineering Lab.
My research interests are in the broad area of Automated Software Engineering, but particularly in formal specification and also controller synthesis techniques applied to adaptive systems and requirements engineering.

Contact Information 
E-Mail: hgagliardi@dc.uba.ar

Phd. Advisor: Sebastian Uchitel


I am Teaching Assistant at the Computer Science DepartmentSchool of SciencesUniversity of Buenos Aires, since 2019

Currently: Operating Systems
