Iván Arcuschin

Iván Arcuschin, M. Sc.

PhD. Student @ LaFHIS, DC, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Iván Arcuschin

I obtained a Master degree in Computer Science at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2018. Now, I am a PhD. Student at LaFHIS: The Tools and Foundations for Software Engineering Lab since 2018. My research interests are in the broad area of Software Engineering, particularly Automatic Test Case Generation techniques for mobile applications.

I will be grateful to receive future possible collaboration offers. 

Contact Information E-Mail: iarcuschin@dc.uba.ar

Phd. Advisor: Juan Pablo Galeotti

Counselor: Hernán Melgratti

Honors & Awards


I am Chief Teaching Assistant at the Computer Science Department, School of Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, since 2018

