Juan Pablo Galeotti - Homepage
Dr. Juan P. Galeotti
FTA Professor @ LaFHIS, DC, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires
About Me
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I am a professor at University of Buenos Aires (UBA). I am also a researcher at CONICET and a member of LIA-INFINIS laboratory. My main research interests are Automatic Test Generation, Specification Inference and Program Verification. I am also very fond of decision procedures such as SMT and SAT. Email: J [LASTNAME] aT dc DoT uba DoT ar |
- We are hiring! Please contact me for PhD and Post-doc opportunities.
- Find me on: ACM, DBLP, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search.
- Most PDFs files are here
My PhD Thesis: Software Verification using Alloy, advisor: Marcelo Fabian Frias (ITBA)
Program Committees
- 2023: PC Member ICSE 2023, ISSTA 2023
- 2021: PC Member, ICST 2021, Search-Based SE track @ GECCO 2021, SSBSE 2021
- 2020: PC Co-chair, Replications and Negative Results Track @ SSBSE 2020, PC Member, ESEC/FSE 2020, ICSE 2020, Search-Based SE track @ GECCO 2020, ICST 2020
- 2019: PC Member, LANGETI'19 Languages and Tools for Next Generation Testing (Canceled), Search-Based SE track @ GECCO 2019, ICSE 2019 Demonstrations track
- 2018: PC Co-Chair, SBST @ ICSE 2018, PC Member, ASE 2018, Search-Based SE track @ GECCO 2018, SSBSE 2018
- 2017: PC Co-Chair, SBST @ ICSE 2017, PC Member, SECM2017 @ ICSE 2017, OSS 2017, SSBSE 2017
- 2016: PC Member, SSBSE 2016, ICST 2016 Testing Tool Track, TAP 2016, FSE 2016 Tool Demonstrations, FSE 2016 Visions and Reflections Track, ASSE 2016 (Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering)
- 2015: PC Member, ASE 2015 Tool Demonstrations, ICST 2015 Tool Track
- 2013: PC Member, LAFM 2013
- 2012: PC Member, TOPI @ ICSE 2012
Journal Reviewer (Verified Reviews at Publons)
- Information and Software Technology
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Software Testing, Verification & Reliability
- IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
- Software Quality Journal
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Journal
- International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling
- Automated Software Engineering Journal
- IEEE Transactions in Software Engineering Journal.
Organizing Committees
- Workshop co-chair, ISSTA 2016
- Proceedings chair, ICSE 2017
- Organizing Committee Member, ICSE 2017 PhD and Young Researchers Warm Up Symposium
Generación Automática de Casos de Tests (Automatic Test Case Generation) @ UBA
Undergraduate Students (simil to MSc thesis)
PhD Students:
- Alfredo Sanzo (Assitant Director)
- Ivan Arcuschin
- Javier Godoy
Master Students:
- Agustina Aldasoro
- Martin Page
- Axel Mandonni
- Laura Muiño
Previous students (link to their thesis):
- 2020: Ignacio Lebrero
- 2017: Nicolas Calderini, Pablo Antonio, Ignacio Pulice and Nicolás Ravasi
- 2015: Nikolas Havrikov (co-advisor Matthias Hoeschelle), Sebastian Kappler, Elias Hartz (co-advisor A. Gorla), K. Salvesen (co-advisor F. Gross)
- 2013: Alexander Kampmann (co-advisor A. Zeller)
- 2012: Daniel Ciolek (co-adivsor M. Frias), Marcos Chicote (co-advisor D. Garbervetsky)
- 2011: Bruno Cuervo Parino (co-advisor D. Garbervetsky)
- 2010: Brian Cardiff (co-advisor M. Frias), Gabriel Gasser Noblia & Diego P. Dobniewski, Esteban Lanzarotti (co-advisor S. Mera), Pablo Bendersky (co-advisor D. Garbervetsky),
Automatic Test Case Generation:
- EvoSuite: Automatic Test Suite Generation for Java using Genetic Algorithms.
- XMLMate: Search-based input generation for XML applications.
- EvoMaster: REST API Test generation
Automatic Program Verification:
- DynaMate: Automating Full Functional Verification of Programs with Loops.
- TACO: Bounded Program Verification of Java Programs using SAT-Solving.
Resource Inference:
- Resource Contracts.NET: An extenstion of Code Contracts to specify and verify memory consumption constraints in .NET programs.
Currently (selection):
- Vice-Head of CONICET-PIP project "Mejorando la verificación acotada usando técnicas de análisis dataflow y demostradores módulo teorías" (2012-2014).
- Co-Director of UBA-UBACyT project "Especificación y análisis cuantitativo del uso de la memoria dinámica con foco en la escalabilidad y usabilidad" (2012-2105).
- Member of project ANCyT-PICT-2013-2341 “Análisis cuantitativo de recursos en lenguajes orientados a objetos” (2014-2016)
Previously (selection):
- Member of EU-ERC project "Specmate: Specification Mining and Testing" (2012-2015) https://www.specmate.org
- Member of EU project "MEALS: Mobility between Europe and Argentina applying Logics to Systems" https://meals-project.eu