
D. Garbervetsky visits INRIA-CAMUS at Strasbourg.

10/12 Diego Garbervetsky visits INRIA-CAMUS at Strasbourg, France.


Diego Garbervetsky visits INRIA-Rmod at Lille, France.

10/12 Diego Garbervetsky visits INRIA-Rmod at Lille, France.


Diego Garbervetsky visits IMDEA, Spain.

10/12 Diego Garbervetsky visits IMDEA, Spain.


S. Uchitel is invited to be on the ESEC/FSE 2013 PC

10/12 Sebastian Uchitel is invited to be on the ESEC/FSE 2013 Program Committee at Saint Petersburg, Russia.


Grant awarded by ANPCYT: PPL “Centro para la Automatización en Ingeniería de Software”.

9/12 Grant awarded by ANPCYT: PPL “Centro para la Automatización en Ingeniería de Software”, Drs. Sebastián Uchitel, Víctor Braberman and Diego Garbervetsky.


TSE paper accepted: German Sibay, Victor Braberman, Jeff Kramer, and Sebastian Uchitel. Synthesising modal transition systems from triggered scenarios.

9/12 TSE paper accepted: German Sibay, Victor Braberman, Jeff Kramer, and Sebastian Uchitel. Synthesising modal transition systems from triggered scenarios.


Sebastian Uchitel gives keynote at 11th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self Adaptation, Newcastle, 2012

9/12 Sebastian Uchitel gives keynote at 11th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self Adaptation, Newcastle, 2012


CSRD Journal paper: Sebastian Uchitel, et. al, Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration.

9/12 CSRD Journal paper: Sebastian Uchitel, et. al, Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration. 


Sebastian Uchitel gives invited talk at NII Shonan Meeting on Engineering Autonomic Systems.

9/12 Sebastian Uchitel gives invited talk at NII Shonan Meeting on Engineering Autonomic Systems.


Nicolás D'Ippolito presents at FM2012 in Paris: The modal transition system control problem.

8/12 Nicolás D'Ippolito presents at FM2012 in Paris: The modal transition system control problem.

