
Michael Ernst is visting us on his sabbatical.

Michael Ernst  is visiting us on his sabbatical.


FACAS 2015 was a success!

We attend the third  Argentinian Workshop on Foundations for Automatic Construction and Analysis of Software, from 17 to 19 March in Oliveros, Santa Fe, organized by Esteban Pavese (LAFHIS member), Ignacio Vissani (UBA),  Renzo Degiovanni (UNRC) and Luciano Zemin (ITBA). You can see the program and more info 


NII from Japan visits us to attend the second NII-UBA workshop.

National Institute of Informatics from Japan visits us to attend the second NII-UBA workshop.


Nicolas D'Ippolito is PC member of ICTAC'15


Diego Garbervetsky will be member of FM 2015 PC

Diego Garbervetsky will be member of the Program Committee of FM 2015.


FACAS 2014 was a success!

We attend the Second Argentinian Workshop on Foundations for Automatic Construction and Analysis of Software, from 6 to 8 March in Oliveros, Santa Fe, organized by Nicolás D'Ippolito (LAFHIS member), Matías Lee (UNC) and Germán Regis (UNRC)

You can see the program and more info here.


Rodrigo Castaño got a Fellowship at Microsoft Research

Under the "Latin American Fellowship Program at Microsoft Research in Redmond", Rodrigo Castaño has been selected as a new PhD Fellow, their most prestigious student award!
During Rodrigo’s internship at Microsoft Research, his mentor will be Dr. Shaz Qadeer , Principal Researcher, from the Research in Software Engineering (RISE) group.


Diego Garbervetsky will be Publicity Chair of FSE 2014

Diego Garbervetsky will be Publicity Chair of FSE 2014

